

With over 370 exhibitions on record, Postmasters is an internationally recognized contemporary art gallery founded in 1984 by Tamas Banovich and Magda Sawon.  It presently occupies 6500 sq. ft. space in Tribeca and has a branch in Rome, Italy: PostmastersROMA. Since 1991, Postmasters has been the leading force in the introduction of digital art into the contemporary art world and continues to present it along traditional media like painting, sculpture and photography. The gallery recently launched PostmastersBLOCKChain, an online division for historic and recent NFTs. Postmasters’ aim is always to work with, look at and think about the art that engages new forms of creative expression—art that is not yet evaluated.  The artworks exhibited are generally content-oriented, conceptually-based, and—most importantly—reflect engagement with issues of our time.  Extensive archives of all exhibitions since 1999 are maintained online on the Postmasters website.


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