About the artwork:
This painting is of a glass bowl filled with change sitting on the artist’s studio desk. In this series, each artwork responds to another, where an aspect of one becomes an inquiry for the next.
Brendan Getz focuses on “care” as a radical act through his carefully-crafted oil paintings. Via images of containers or boundaries, his practice cultivates a sense of intimacy through familiar images seen anew. As a container itself, a painting stands as an entity of hope and possibility for the artist.
About the artist:
Through his small, carefully-crafted oil paintings, Brendan Getz focuses on “care” as a radical act. His practice cultivates a sense of intimacy through familiar images—often of containers or boundaries—seen anew. As a container itself, a painting stands as an entity of hope and possibility for the artist.
Brendan Getz was born in 1980 and is based in California’s bay area. He earned his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, in 2018 and his BFA from Belmont University in Nashville, TN, in 2007.
The artist’s recent solo exhibitions include When The After-Image Is The Image at Carrie Secrist Gallery in Chicago, IL (2022). He was also featured in the two-person exhibition Double Black Diamond at DXIX Gallery in Ft. Collins, CO (2022).
His recent group shows include Micrologies at SCHARAUN Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (2022); Was/Is/Ought at Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago, IL (2021); and Usual Objects, also at Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago, IL (2021).
Getz’s work has also been featured at institutions throughout the US, including the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, CA; the Frist Center for the Visual Arts in Nashville, TN; the Contemporary Art Center in Las Vegas, NV; and the LeRoy Neiman Center in Chicago, IL. He is a co-founder of the artist-run project space Take Care in Los Angeles, CA.