In this painting, it is not always clear where the figure ends and the ground begins. Fragmented limbs seem to emerge from, or sink into, the painterly surface. The artist's work depicts the body in all its states, drawing imagery from her own imagination and the tragic consequences of colonial fantasies.

About the artwork:

In this painting, it is not always clear where the figure ends and the ground begins. Fragmented limbs seem to emerge from, or sink into, the artist's painterly surfaces. In her work, Vidales fluidly combines the mediums of painting and drawing.

Above all else, Lucía Vidales’ work is concerned with the human body in all its states—tireless, anxious, broken, surviving and at rest, either in motion or in relation to other bodies. She draws her dreamlike imagery from her own imagination. At the same time, her work is also deeply informed by the tragic consequences of historical and colonial fantasies—especially as they continue to impact female bodies and create paradoxical narratives.

About the artist:

Lucía Vidales’ paintings are informed by the consequences of colonialism, addressing the canvas as a body. The artist's compositions also frequently depict actual bodies—fragmented limbs often emerge from, or sink into, the luminous or shadowy depths of her painterly surfaces. For Vidales, painting can transform time, our relationship with matter and how we experience our own forms.

Group exhibitions that have shown Vidale’s work include: Four Women Painters at the Crossroads at Sapar Contemporary (at Piero Atchugarry Gallery) in Miami, Florida (2020–21); Murales para un cubo blanco [Murals for a white cube] at Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros in Mexico City (2020); Daichi Takagi, Lucia Vidales, Hiroka Yamashita at Taka Ishii in Tokyo, Japan (2020); Prince·sse·s des villes (City Prince/sses) at Palais de Tokyo in Paris, France (2019); and Terra Preta (Black Earth) at PROXYCO in New York City (2019).

Vidales’ work is in the collection of the Aguascalientes Museum of Contemporary Art in Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Lucía Vidales lives and works in Monterrey, Mexico.


29.5 inches
35.38 inches
Lucía Vidales:
Piss and Tears, 2021
Oil, acrylic,charcoal, and wax on canvas
35.4 × 29.5 inches /