This painting plays with the formal considerations of taste and audience through a canvas built up with a dense collection of materials. The artist's work satirizes the circulation and reception of aesthetic discourses.

About the artwork:

This painting plays with the formal considerations of taste and audience. The artist built up this canvas with a dense collection of materials: googly eyes, used napkins, glitter and epoxy; among other items. The tongue-in-cheek title references the work’s nature as a commodity. This work is part of a series by the artist that explores cycles of viewership, exchange and commodification in the arts.

Gregory uses both abject and expressive modes of painting to satirize the circulation and reception of aesthetic discourses. The artist uses paintings to tell jokes at the expense of both mass culture and the conservatism of structural institutions—especially those related to art. Gregory's work employs abstraction to challenge viewers' interpretation of her compositions in works that combine references to art history with new strategies in painting.

About the artist:

Jasmine Gregory’s paintings satirize the circulation and reception of aesthetic discourses. The artist employs both abject and expressive modes to tell provocative jokes—targeting both mass culture and the conservatism of structural institutions, especially those related to art. Gregory also explores viewers’ interpretation of her compositions in abstract works that combine art historical references alongside new painting strategies.


Jasmine Gregory was born in Washington, D.C. in 1987. The artist received an MFA from Züricher Hochschule der Künste in Zürich, Switzerland in 2020, and a BFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City in 2009.

Solo and two-person exhibitions of Gregory’s work have taken place at: Istituto Svizzero in Milan, Italy (2022); Karma International in Zürich, Switzerland (2022); a two-person exhibit with Ian Wooldridge at Park View / Paul Soto / La Maison de Rendez-Vous in Brussels, Belgium (2021); Rheum Room in Basel, Switzerland (2020); and Karma International in Zürich, Switzerland (2020); among others.

Group exhibitions that have shown Gregory’s work include: The Puppet Show, curated by Mohamed Almusibli at Le Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève in Gèneve, Switzerland (2022); La reforme de Pooky at Fri Art Kunsthalle Fribourg in Fribourg, Switzerland (2022); Werkshau at Haus Konstruktiv in Zürich, Switzerland (2021); Cry Me A River at Cordova in Barcelona, Spain (2021); R4 Participating Artists for Art For Black Lives, held online (2021); Kunststipendien der Stadt Zürich at Helmhaus in Zürich, Switzerland (2021); Fotoromanza at Le Commun in Geneva, Switzerland (2021); Same Things Make Us Laugh, Make Us Cry at Body Archive Project in Zürich, Switzerland (2021); Evidently Chickentown at Wartsaal Wipkingen in Zürich, Switzerland (2021); FIAC Online Viewing Room with Karma International (2021); Paris Internationale Online Exhibition with Cherish (2020); Sommer des Zögerns at Kunsthalle Zürich in Zürich, Switzerland (2020); Not Cancelled Salon, an online exhibition (2020); Cinders, Sinuous and Supple at Les Urbaines in Lausanne, Switzerland (2019); and Tesla of Justice at Nest in Zürich, Switzerland (2019); among others.

Gregory has participated in artist talks at Le Centre d'Art Contemporain, Fri Art Kunsthalle Fribourg, Istituto Svizzero in Milan with Barbara Casavecchia, Institut Kunst in Basel, Switzerland, and the Hammer Museum.

Gregory lives and works in Zürich, Switzerland.


11.88 inches
15.75 inches
Jasmine Gregory:
A Perfect Gift For Every Occasion, 2022
Oil, glitter, rhinestones, wire, aluminum foil, orange peel, epoxy on linen
15.8 × 11.9 inches /