
In this artwork, bold, vibrant colors depict a central figure in a red, flowing gown set against a predominantly blue and red background. The artwork combines a sense of innocence with a bold use of color and abstract forms.

① Artwork:


In this artwork, bold, vibrant colors depict a central figure in a red, flowing gown set against a predominantly blue and red background. The artwork combines a sense of innocence with a bold use of color and abstract forms.

Alice Wong concentrated on drawing and ceramics until 2013 when she began painting over vintage photographs with enamel and acrylic markers. Using blocks of color to enhance or obscure her subjects, Wong forces the viewer to search for contextual clues and meaning in her abstracted works.


4.25 inches
6.5 inches

③ Artist:

Alice Wong

Alice Wong concentrated on drawing and ceramics until 2013 when she began painting over vintage photographs with enamel and acrylic markers. Using blocks of color to enhance or obscure her subjects—an approach reminiscent of John Baldessari’s work—Wong forces the viewer to search for contextual clues and meaning in her abstracted works.

Alice Wong was born in 1980 in Hong Kong, China, and came to Creative Growth in 2003 when she moved to California with her family.

Wong has presented in notable galleries such as the Diane Rosenstein Gallery in Los Angeles, CA; the Oakland Museum of California in Oakland, CA; Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco, CA; and elsewhere.

Her work is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco, CA.

In 2023, TBW Books published "Painting Photographs and Man Unveiling," a stunning collection of Wong's most powerful and resonant works, accompanied by insightful commentary on her process and technique.

Alice Wong:
Untitled, 2023
Acrylic on found photograph
6.5 × 4.3 inches /